And once the footballs were procured, the practicing began. This boy has had a football within a foot of him for the last 6 months. He throws it, he catches it, he sleeps with it. He has recorded on our DVR about 30 minutes of the Super Bowl, which in the few times he has watched it, he now has memorized the plays that are recorded within. (?!)
My husband makes it a priority to have lunch with my son every Tuesday at school. During recess, weather permitting, they play football. When the weather is uncooperative, they sit in the classroom and create plays. And some of these plays are the most bizarre, creative masterpieces you could ever lay eyes on. It should go without saying that my husband is the most popular kid in the 2nd grade.
(Not even the snow of winter slowed down the football-playing!)
With all the football fun had around here on a daily basis, there have been some interesting 'situations.'
This has proven to be the most interesting of dilemmas. I chose to let the young ones figure it out, until Miss E decided to pull out the barstool that twists to reach the football. To prevent any broken bones and sprained joints, of which they could be genetically pre-dispositioned to, I quickly handed my son the broom. This effectively removed the football from it's perch.
And back to the passing, punting, and playing we go!